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Getting Started (with Supabase)

Complete instructions to set stripe-sync up.

Add stripe tables

By default, we add the tables under the stripe schema.

CREATE TABLE stripe.application (
  "id" text not null,
  "name" text,
  "object" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.account (
  "business_profile" jsonb,
  "business_type" text,
  "capabilities" jsonb,
  "charges_enabled" boolean,
  "company" jsonb,
  "controller" jsonb,
  "country" text,
  "created" integer,
  "default_currency" text,
  "details_submitted" boolean,
  "email" text,
  "external_accounts" jsonb,
  "future_requirements" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "individual" jsonb,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "payouts_enabled" boolean,
  "requirements" jsonb,
  "settings" jsonb,
  "tos_acceptance" jsonb,
  "type" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.application_fee (
  "account" jsonb not null,
  "amount" integer not null,
  "amount_refunded" integer not null,
  "application" jsonb not null,
  "balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "charge" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "originating_transaction" jsonb,
  "refunded" boolean not null,
  "refunds" jsonb not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.refund (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "charge" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text,
  "failure_balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "failure_reason" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "instructions_email" text,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "next_action" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "payment_intent" jsonb,
  "reason" text,
  "receipt_number" text,
  "source_transfer_reversal" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "transfer_reversal" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.balance (
  "available" jsonb not null,
  "connect_reserved" jsonb,
  "instant_available" jsonb,
  "issuing" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "pending" jsonb not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.configuration (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "application" jsonb,
  "business_profile" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "default_return_url" text,
  "features" jsonb not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "is_default" boolean not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "updated" integer not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.session (
  "configuration" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "customer" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "locale" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "on_behalf_of" text,
  "return_url" text,
  "url" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.capability (
  "account" jsonb not null,
  "future_requirements" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "requested" boolean not null,
  "requested_at" integer,
  "requirements" jsonb,
  "status" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.cash_balance (
  "available" jsonb,
  "customer" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "settings" jsonb not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.charge (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "amount_captured" integer not null,
  "amount_refunded" integer not null,
  "application" jsonb,
  "application_fee" jsonb,
  "application_fee_amount" integer,
  "balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "billing_details" jsonb not null,
  "calculated_statement_descriptor" text,
  "captured" boolean not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "disputed" boolean not null,
  "failure_balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "failure_code" text,
  "failure_message" text,
  "fraud_details" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "invoice" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "on_behalf_of" jsonb,
  "outcome" jsonb,
  "paid" boolean not null,
  "payment_intent" jsonb,
  "payment_method" text,
  "payment_method_details" jsonb,
  "radar_options" jsonb,
  "receipt_email" text,
  "receipt_number" text,
  "receipt_url" text,
  "refunded" boolean not null,
  "refunds" jsonb not null,
  "review" jsonb,
  "shipping" jsonb,
  "source_transfer" jsonb,
  "statement_descriptor" text,
  "statement_descriptor_suffix" text,
  "status" text,
  "transfer" jsonb,
  "transfer_data" jsonb,
  "transfer_group" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.dispute (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "balance_transactions" jsonb not null,
  "charge" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "evidence" jsonb not null,
  "evidence_details" jsonb not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "is_charge_refundable" boolean not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "payment_intent" jsonb,
  "reason" text not null,
  "status" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.checkout_session (
  "after_expiration" jsonb,
  "allow_promotion_codes" boolean,
  "amount_subtotal" integer,
  "amount_total" integer,
  "automatic_tax" jsonb not null,
  "billing_address_collection" text,
  "cancel_url" text not null,
  "client_reference_id" text,
  "consent" jsonb,
  "consent_collection" jsonb,
  "currency" text,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "customer_creation" text,
  "customer_details" jsonb,
  "customer_email" text,
  "expires_at" integer not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "line_items" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "locale" text,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "mode" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "payment_intent" jsonb,
  "payment_link" jsonb,
  "payment_method_collection" text,
  "payment_method_options" jsonb,
  "payment_method_types" jsonb not null,
  "payment_status" text not null,
  "phone_number_collection" jsonb,
  "recovered_from" text,
  "setup_intent" jsonb,
  "shipping_address_collection" jsonb,
  "shipping_cost" jsonb,
  "shipping_details" jsonb,
  "shipping_options" jsonb not null,
  "status" text,
  "submit_type" text,
  "subscription" jsonb,
  "success_url" text not null,
  "tax_id_collection" jsonb,
  "total_details" jsonb,
  "url" text
  "amount_off" integer,
  "applies_to" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text,
  "currency_options" jsonb,
  "duration" text not null,
  "duration_in_months" integer,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "max_redemptions" integer,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "name" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "percent_off" integer,
  "redeem_by" integer,
  "times_redeemed" integer not null,
  "valid" boolean not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.credit_note (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer" jsonb not null,
  "customer_balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "discount_amount" integer not null,
  "discount_amounts" jsonb not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "invoice" jsonb not null,
  "lines" jsonb not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "memo" text,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "number" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "out_of_band_amount" integer,
  "pdf" text not null,
  "reason" text,
  "refund" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "subtotal" integer not null,
  "subtotal_excluding_tax" integer,
  "tax_amounts" jsonb not null,
  "total" integer not null,
  "total_excluding_tax" integer,
  "type" text not null,
  "voided_at" integer
CREATE TABLE stripe.customer (
  "address" jsonb,
  "balance" integer,
  "cash_balance" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text,
  "default_source" jsonb,
  "delinquent" boolean,
  "description" text,
  "discount" jsonb,
  "email" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "invoice_credit_balance" jsonb,
  "invoice_prefix" text,
  "invoice_settings" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "name" text,
  "next_invoice_sequence" integer,
  "object" text not null,
  "phone" text,
  "preferred_locales" jsonb,
  "shipping" jsonb,
  "sources" jsonb,
  "subscriptions" jsonb,
  "tax" jsonb,
  "tax_exempt" text,
  "tax_ids" jsonb,
  "test_clock" jsonb
  "checkout_session" text,
  "coupon" jsonb not null,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "end" integer,
  "id" text not null,
  "invoice" text,
  "invoice_item" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "promotion_code" jsonb,
  "start" integer not null,
  "subscription" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.source (
  "ach_credit_transfer" jsonb,
  "ach_debit" jsonb,
  "acss_debit" jsonb,
  "alipay" jsonb,
  "amount" integer,
  "au_becs_debit" jsonb,
  "bancontact" jsonb,
  "card" jsonb,
  "card_present" jsonb,
  "client_secret" text,
  "code_verification" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text,
  "customer" text,
  "eps" jsonb,
  "flow" text,
  "giropay" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "ideal" jsonb,
  "klarna" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "multibanco" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "owner" jsonb,
  "p24" jsonb,
  "receiver" jsonb,
  "redirect" jsonb,
  "sepa_debit" jsonb,
  "sofort" jsonb,
  "source_order" jsonb,
  "statement_descriptor" text,
  "status" text,
  "three_d_secure" jsonb,
  "type" text,
  "usage" text,
  "wechat" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.subscription (
  "application" jsonb,
  "application_fee_percent" integer,
  "automatic_tax" jsonb not null,
  "billing_cycle_anchor" integer not null,
  "billing_thresholds" jsonb,
  "cancel_at" integer,
  "cancel_at_period_end" boolean not null,
  "canceled_at" integer,
  "collection_method" text not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "current_period_end" integer not null,
  "current_period_start" integer not null,
  "customer" jsonb not null,
  "days_until_due" integer,
  "default_payment_method" jsonb,
  "default_source" jsonb,
  "default_tax_rates" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "discount" jsonb,
  "ended_at" integer,
  "id" text not null,
  "items" jsonb not null,
  "latest_invoice" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "next_pending_invoice_item_invoice" integer,
  "object" text not null,
  "pause_collection" jsonb,
  "payment_settings" jsonb,
  "pending_invoice_item_interval" jsonb,
  "pending_setup_intent" jsonb,
  "pending_update" jsonb,
  "schedule" jsonb,
  "start_date" integer not null,
  "status" text,
  "test_clock" jsonb,
  "transfer_data" jsonb,
  "trial_end" integer,
  "trial_start" integer
CREATE TABLE stripe.tax_id (
  "country" text,
  "created" integer,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "type" text not null,
  "value" text not null,
  "verification" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.customer_cash_balance_transaction (
  "applied_to_payment" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer" jsonb not null,
  "ending_balance" integer not null,
  "funded" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "net_amount" integer not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "refunded_from_payment" jsonb,
  "type" text not null,
  "unapplied_from_payment" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.file (
  "created" integer,
  "expires_at" integer,
  "filename" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "links" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "purpose" text,
  "size" integer not null,
  "title" text,
  "type" text,
  "url" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.verification_session (
  "client_secret" text,
  "created" integer,
  "id" text not null,
  "last_error" jsonb,
  "last_verification_report" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "options" jsonb not null,
  "redaction" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "type" text,
  "url" text,
  "verified_outputs" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.invoice (
  "account_country" text,
  "account_name" text,
  "account_tax_ids" jsonb,
  "amount_due" integer not null,
  "amount_paid" integer not null,
  "amount_remaining" integer not null,
  "application" jsonb,
  "application_fee_amount" integer,
  "attempt_count" integer not null,
  "attempted" boolean not null,
  "auto_advance" boolean,
  "automatic_tax" jsonb not null,
  "billing_reason" text,
  "charge" jsonb,
  "collection_method" text not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "custom_fields" jsonb,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "customer_address" jsonb,
  "customer_email" text,
  "customer_name" text,
  "customer_phone" text,
  "customer_shipping" jsonb,
  "customer_tax_exempt" text,
  "customer_tax_ids" jsonb,
  "default_payment_method" jsonb,
  "default_source" jsonb,
  "default_tax_rates" jsonb not null,
  "description" text,
  "discount" jsonb,
  "discounts" jsonb,
  "due_date" integer,
  "ending_balance" integer,
  "footer" text,
  "hosted_invoice_url" text,
  "id" text,
  "invoice_pdf" text,
  "last_finalization_error" jsonb,
  "lines" jsonb not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "next_payment_attempt" integer,
  "number" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "on_behalf_of" jsonb,
  "paid" boolean not null,
  "paid_out_of_band" boolean not null,
  "payment_intent" jsonb,
  "payment_settings" jsonb not null,
  "period_end" integer not null,
  "period_start" integer not null,
  "post_payment_credit_notes_amount" integer not null,
  "pre_payment_credit_notes_amount" integer not null,
  "quote" jsonb,
  "receipt_number" text,
  "rendering_options" jsonb,
  "starting_balance" integer not null,
  "statement_descriptor" text,
  "status" text,
  "status_transitions" jsonb not null,
  "subscription" jsonb,
  "subscription_proration_date" integer,
  "subtotal" integer not null,
  "subtotal_excluding_tax" integer,
  "tax" integer,
  "test_clock" jsonb,
  "threshold_reason" jsonb,
  "total" integer not null,
  "total_discount_amounts" jsonb,
  "total_excluding_tax" integer,
  "total_tax_amounts" jsonb not null,
  "transfer_data" jsonb,
  "webhooks_delivered_at" integer
CREATE TABLE stripe.invoiceitem (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer" jsonb not null,
  "date" integer not null,
  "description" text,
  "discountable" boolean not null,
  "discounts" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "invoice" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "period" jsonb not null,
  "price" jsonb,
  "proration" boolean not null,
  "quantity" integer not null,
  "subscription" jsonb,
  "subscription_item" text,
  "tax_rates" jsonb,
  "test_clock" jsonb,
  "unit_amount" integer,
  "unit_amount_decimal" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.issuing_authorization (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "amount_details" jsonb,
  "approved" boolean not null,
  "authorization_method" text not null,
  "balance_transactions" jsonb not null,
  "card" jsonb not null,
  "cardholder" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "merchant_amount" integer not null,
  "merchant_currency" text not null,
  "merchant_data" jsonb not null,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "pending_request" jsonb,
  "request_history" jsonb not null,
  "status" text,
  "transactions" jsonb not null,
  "treasury" jsonb,
  "verification_data" jsonb not null,
  "wallet" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.issuing_card (
  "brand" text not null,
  "cancellation_reason" text,
  "cardholder" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "cvc" text,
  "exp_month" integer not null,
  "exp_year" integer not null,
  "financial_account" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "last4" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "number" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "replaced_by" jsonb,
  "replacement_for" jsonb,
  "replacement_reason" text,
  "shipping" jsonb,
  "spending_controls" jsonb not null,
  "status" text,
  "type" text not null,
  "wallets" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.issuing_cardholder (
  "billing" jsonb not null,
  "company" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "email" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "individual" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "name" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "phone_number" text,
  "requirements" jsonb not null,
  "spending_controls" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "type" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.issuing_dispute (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "balance_transactions" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "evidence" jsonb not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "transaction" jsonb not null,
  "treasury" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.issuing_transaction (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "amount_details" jsonb,
  "authorization" jsonb,
  "balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "card" jsonb not null,
  "cardholder" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "dispute" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "merchant_amount" integer not null,
  "merchant_currency" text not null,
  "merchant_data" jsonb not null,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "purchase_details" jsonb,
  "treasury" jsonb,
  "type" text,
  "wallet" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.mandate (
  "customer_acceptance" jsonb not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "multi_use" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "payment_method" jsonb not null,
  "payment_method_details" jsonb not null,
  "single_use" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "type" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.order (
  "amount_subtotal" integer not null,
  "amount_total" integer not null,
  "application" jsonb,
  "automatic_tax" jsonb,
  "billing_details" jsonb,
  "client_secret" text,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "discounts" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "ip_address" text,
  "line_items" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "payment" jsonb not null,
  "shipping_cost" jsonb,
  "shipping_details" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "tax_details" jsonb,
  "total_details" jsonb not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.payment_intent (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "amount_capturable" integer,
  "amount_details" jsonb,
  "amount_received" integer,
  "application" jsonb,
  "application_fee_amount" integer,
  "automatic_payment_methods" jsonb,
  "canceled_at" integer,
  "cancellation_reason" text,
  "capture_method" text not null,
  "charges" jsonb,
  "client_secret" text,
  "confirmation_method" text not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "invoice" jsonb,
  "last_payment_error" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "next_action" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "on_behalf_of" jsonb,
  "payment_method" jsonb,
  "payment_method_options" jsonb,
  "payment_method_types" jsonb not null,
  "processing" jsonb,
  "receipt_email" text,
  "review" jsonb,
  "setup_future_usage" text,
  "shipping" jsonb,
  "statement_descriptor" text,
  "statement_descriptor_suffix" text,
  "status" text,
  "transfer_data" jsonb,
  "transfer_group" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.payment_link (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "after_completion" jsonb not null,
  "allow_promotion_codes" boolean not null,
  "application_fee_amount" integer,
  "application_fee_percent" integer,
  "automatic_tax" jsonb not null,
  "billing_address_collection" text not null,
  "consent_collection" jsonb,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer_creation" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "line_items" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "on_behalf_of" jsonb,
  "payment_intent_data" jsonb,
  "payment_method_collection" text not null,
  "payment_method_types" jsonb,
  "phone_number_collection" jsonb not null,
  "shipping_address_collection" jsonb,
  "shipping_options" jsonb not null,
  "submit_type" text not null,
  "subscription_data" jsonb,
  "tax_id_collection" jsonb not null,
  "transfer_data" jsonb,
  "url" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.payment_method (
  "acss_debit" jsonb,
  "affirm" jsonb,
  "afterpay_clearpay" jsonb,
  "alipay" jsonb,
  "au_becs_debit" jsonb,
  "bacs_debit" jsonb,
  "bancontact" jsonb,
  "billing_details" jsonb not null,
  "blik" jsonb,
  "boleto" jsonb,
  "card" jsonb,
  "card_present" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "customer_balance" jsonb,
  "eps" jsonb,
  "fpx" jsonb,
  "giropay" jsonb,
  "grabpay" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "ideal" jsonb,
  "interac_present" jsonb,
  "klarna" jsonb,
  "konbini" jsonb,
  "link" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "oxxo" jsonb,
  "p24" jsonb,
  "paynow" jsonb,
  "promptpay" jsonb,
  "radar_options" jsonb,
  "sepa_debit" jsonb,
  "sofort" jsonb,
  "type" text,
  "us_bank_account" jsonb,
  "wechat_pay" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.payout (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "arrival_date" integer not null,
  "automatic" boolean not null,
  "balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text,
  "destination" jsonb,
  "failure_balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "failure_code" text,
  "failure_message" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "method" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "original_payout" jsonb,
  "reversed_by" jsonb,
  "source_type" text not null,
  "statement_descriptor" text,
  "status" text,
  "type" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.person (
  "account" text not null,
  "address" jsonb,
  "address_kana" jsonb,
  "address_kanji" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "dob" jsonb,
  "email" text,
  "first_name" text,
  "first_name_kana" text,
  "first_name_kanji" text,
  "full_name_aliases" jsonb,
  "future_requirements" jsonb,
  "gender" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "id_number_provided" boolean,
  "id_number_secondary_provided" boolean,
  "last_name" text,
  "last_name_kana" text,
  "last_name_kanji" text,
  "maiden_name" text,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "nationality" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "phone" text,
  "political_exposure" text,
  "registered_address" jsonb,
  "relationship" jsonb,
  "requirements" jsonb,
  "ssn_last_4_provided" boolean,
  "verification" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.plan (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "aggregate_usage" text,
  "amount" integer,
  "amount_decimal" text,
  "billing_scheme" text not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "interval" text not null,
  "interval_count" integer not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "nickname" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "product" jsonb,
  "tiers" jsonb,
  "tiers_mode" text,
  "transform_usage" jsonb,
  "trial_period_days" integer,
  "usage_type" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.price (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "billing_scheme" text not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "currency_options" jsonb,
  "custom_unit_amount" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "lookup_key" text,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "nickname" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "product" jsonb not null,
  "recurring" jsonb,
  "tax_behavior" text,
  "tiers" jsonb,
  "tiers_mode" text,
  "transform_quantity" jsonb,
  "type" text not null,
  "unit_amount" integer,
  "unit_amount_decimal" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.product (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "created" integer,
  "default_price" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "images" jsonb not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "name" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "package_dimensions" jsonb,
  "shippable" boolean,
  "statement_descriptor" text,
  "tax_code" jsonb,
  "unit_label" text,
  "updated" integer not null,
  "url" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.promotion_code (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "code" text not null,
  "coupon" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "expires_at" integer,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "max_redemptions" integer,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "restrictions" jsonb not null,
  "times_redeemed" integer not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.quote (
  "amount_subtotal" integer not null,
  "amount_total" integer not null,
  "application" jsonb,
  "application_fee_amount" integer,
  "application_fee_percent" integer,
  "automatic_tax" jsonb not null,
  "collection_method" text not null,
  "computed" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "default_tax_rates" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "discounts" jsonb not null,
  "expires_at" integer not null,
  "footer" text,
  "from_quote" jsonb,
  "header" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "invoice" jsonb,
  "invoice_settings" jsonb,
  "line_items" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "number" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "on_behalf_of" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "status_transitions" jsonb not null,
  "subscription" jsonb,
  "subscription_data" jsonb not null,
  "subscription_schedule" jsonb,
  "test_clock" jsonb,
  "total_details" jsonb not null,
  "transfer_data" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.early_fraud_warning (
  "actionable" boolean not null,
  "charge" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "fraud_type" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "payment_intent" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.recipient (
  "active_account" jsonb,
  "cards" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "default_card" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "email" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "migrated_to" jsonb,
  "name" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "rolled_back_from" jsonb,
  "type" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.report_run (
  "created" integer,
  "error" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "parameters" jsonb not null,
  "report_type" text not null,
  "result" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "succeeded_at" integer
CREATE TABLE stripe.report_type (
  "data_available_end" integer not null,
  "data_available_start" integer not null,
  "default_columns" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "name" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "updated" integer not null,
  "version" integer not null
  "billing_zip" text,
  "charge" jsonb,
  "closed_reason" text,
  "created" integer,
  "id" text not null,
  "ip_address" text,
  "ip_address_location" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "open" boolean not null,
  "opened_reason" text not null,
  "payment_intent" jsonb,
  "reason" text not null,
  "session" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.setup_intent (
  "application" jsonb,
  "attach_to_self" boolean,
  "cancellation_reason" text,
  "client_secret" text,
  "created" integer,
  "customer" jsonb,
  "description" text,
  "flow_directions" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "last_setup_error" jsonb,
  "latest_attempt" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "mandate" jsonb,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "next_action" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "on_behalf_of" jsonb,
  "payment_method" jsonb,
  "payment_method_options" jsonb,
  "payment_method_types" jsonb not null,
  "single_use_mandate" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "usage" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.scheduled_query_run (
  "created" integer,
  "data_load_time" integer not null,
  "error" jsonb,
  "file" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "result_available_until" integer not null,
  "sql" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "title" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.sku (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "attributes" jsonb not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "image" text,
  "inventory" jsonb not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "package_dimensions" jsonb,
  "price" integer not null,
  "product" jsonb not null,
  "updated" integer not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.transaction (
  "ach_credit_transfer" jsonb,
  "amount" integer not null,
  "chf_credit_transfer" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "gbp_credit_transfer" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "object" text not null,
  "paper_check" jsonb,
  "sepa_credit_transfer" jsonb,
  "source" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "type" text not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.subscription_schedule (
  "application" jsonb,
  "canceled_at" integer,
  "completed_at" integer,
  "created" integer,
  "current_phase" jsonb,
  "customer" jsonb not null,
  "default_settings" jsonb not null,
  "end_behavior" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "phases" jsonb not null,
  "released_at" integer,
  "released_subscription" text,
  "status" text,
  "subscription" jsonb,
  "test_clock" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.tax_rate (
  "active" boolean not null,
  "country" text,
  "created" integer,
  "description" text,
  "display_name" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "inclusive" boolean not null,
  "jurisdiction" text,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "percentage" integer not null,
  "state" text,
  "tax_type" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.reader (
  "action" jsonb,
  "device_sw_version" text,
  "device_type" text not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "ip_address" text,
  "label" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "location" jsonb,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "serial_number" text not null,
  "status" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.test_clock (
  "created" integer,
  "deletes_after" integer not null,
  "frozen_time" integer not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "name" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "status" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.topup (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text,
  "expected_availability_date" integer,
  "failure_code" text,
  "failure_message" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "source" jsonb,
  "statement_descriptor" text,
  "status" text,
  "transfer_group" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.transfer (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "amount_reversed" integer not null,
  "balance_transaction" jsonb,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text,
  "destination" jsonb,
  "destination_payment" jsonb,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "reversals" jsonb not null,
  "reversed" boolean not null,
  "source_transaction" jsonb,
  "source_type" text,
  "transfer_group" text
CREATE TABLE stripe.credit_reversal (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "currency" text not null,
  "financial_account" text not null,
  "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "network" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "received_credit" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "status_transitions" jsonb not null,
  "transaction" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.debit_reversal (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "currency" text not null,
  "financial_account" text,
  "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "linked_flows" jsonb,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "network" text not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "received_debit" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "status_transitions" jsonb not null,
  "transaction" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.financial_account (
  "active_features" jsonb not null,
  "balance" jsonb not null,
  "country" text not null,
  "created" integer,
  "features" jsonb,
  "financial_addresses" jsonb not null,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb,
  "object" text not null,
  "pending_features" jsonb not null,
  "platform_restrictions" jsonb,
  "restricted_features" jsonb not null,
  "status" text,
  "status_details" jsonb not null,
  "supported_currencies" jsonb not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.inbound_transfer (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "cancelable" boolean not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text,
  "failure_details" jsonb,
  "financial_account" text not null,
  "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "linked_flows" jsonb not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "origin_payment_method" text not null,
  "origin_payment_method_details" jsonb,
  "returned" boolean,
  "statement_descriptor" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "status_transitions" jsonb not null,
  "transaction" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.outbound_payment (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "cancelable" boolean not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "customer" text,
  "description" text,
  "destination_payment_method" text,
  "destination_payment_method_details" jsonb,
  "end_user_details" jsonb,
  "expected_arrival_date" integer not null,
  "financial_account" text not null,
  "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "returned_details" jsonb,
  "statement_descriptor" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "status_transitions" jsonb not null,
  "transaction" jsonb not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.outbound_transfer (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "cancelable" boolean not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text,
  "destination_payment_method" text not null,
  "destination_payment_method_details" jsonb not null,
  "expected_arrival_date" integer not null,
  "financial_account" text not null,
  "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "metadata" jsonb not null,
  "object" text not null,
  "returned_details" jsonb,
  "statement_descriptor" text not null,
  "status" text,
  "status_transitions" jsonb not null,
  "transaction" jsonb not null
CREATE TABLE stripe.received_credit (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text not null,
  "failure_code" text,
  "financial_account" text,
  "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "initiating_payment_method_details" jsonb not null,
  "linked_flows" jsonb not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "network" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "reversal_details" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "transaction" jsonb
CREATE TABLE stripe.received_debit (
  "amount" integer not null,
  "created" integer,
  "currency" text not null,
  "description" text not null,
  "failure_code" text,
  "financial_account" text,
  "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" text,
  "id" text not null,
  "initiating_payment_method_details" jsonb,
  "linked_flows" jsonb not null,
  "livemode" boolean,
  "network" text,
  "object" text not null,
  "reversal_details" jsonb,
  "status" text,
  "transaction" jsonb

Update database permissions

Make sure to only use the service_role Supabase client in a protected server environment to access Stripe data.

grant usage on schema stripe to service_role;
grant all privileges on all tables in schema stripe to service_role;

Update Supabase API options

Add the stripe schema to search path and make sure that Supabase/Postgrest will expose the schema to the API.

Supabase schema settings

Add Supabase Edge Functions handler

Init Supabase

supabase init

Create Supabase function handler

supabase functions new stripe


import { serve } from "";
import Stripe from "";
import {
} from "";
import { createClient } from "";

const stripe = Stripe(Deno.env.get("STRIPE_API_KEY"), {
  httpClient: Stripe.createFetchHttpClient(),
  apiVersion: "2022-08-01",
const cryptoProvider = Stripe.createSubtleCryptoProvider();

export const supabaseClient = createClient(
  Deno.env.get("SUPABASE_URL") ?? "",
  Deno.env.get("SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY") ?? "",
    db: {
      schema: "stripe",

const handler = createDenoHandler({
  databaseAdapter: createSupabaseAdapter({
    supabase: supabaseClient,
  stripeEndpointSecret: Deno.env.get("STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET") ?? "",
  stripeSecretKey: Deno.env.get("STRIPE_SK") ?? "",


Create .env file



Deploy edge functions

Make sure to pass the --no-verify-jwt flat, since we want Stripe to be able to send us POST reqeusts.

supabase secrets set --env-file ./supabase/.env
supabase functions deploy stripe --no-verify-jwt

Released under the MIT License.